
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Cheese Taco Shells - Low Carb (Keto friendly)

I'm just going to warn you. Once you have cheese taco shells, you'll never want any other kind. These are basically heaven on a plate. You guys, have you been to those recipe blogs that sample on about how the dog got out and the kids did stuff and something about laundry and ALL THE THINGS before they'll give you the recipe? Yeah. Me too. I'm not gonna do that to you. You're welcome.

So, the only ingredient you'll need for this is cheese. I went with sharp cheddar, already shredded. 

From here, you have 2 options. Option One - the oven and a silicone baking mat.
Option Two - I went this route. A griddle (or frying pan). I feel like this was more difficult than option one, but I didn't have a silicone baking mat handy. 

Now, sprinkle the cheese in a circle pattern as big as you want your shell to be.

Quickly, while the cheese melts, prepare your "drying rack" for your shells. I had two of these stations set up. Make sure to set a paper towel or plate underneath to catch the dripping grease.

When your shell starts to brown around the edges and appears to hold together, it is time to move it to the drying rack.

Your finished shell should look similar to this.

Lastly, fill with your desired taco toppings.

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