Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Egg Rolls

1 package egg roll wrappers (found in the organic section at Fry's)
1 1/2 lbs ground pork (pork shop is the best)
1 bag coleslaw mix
1 container bean sprouts (optional- these are seasonal so not always available)
1 bunch green onions, sliced thinly
2-3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tsp fresh ginger (I use Gourmet Garden in the 4oz tube)
2 t sesame oil
1/4 c soy sauce
2 T sugar
1 t salt
1 egg
1 T water

In a very large mixing bowl pour the cabbage mixture, raw pork, green onions and bean sprouts. In a small dish combine garlic, ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar and salt. Pour his over the ingredients in the mixing bowl and mix well with hands (like you would with meatballs). When everything is combined open your egg roll wrappers and take out just one at a time.
Place a spoonful of mixture into the center of the wrapper. Wrap according to instruction on package. (I will update with picture next time I make these- sorry!) Placed wrapped egg rolls on a large piece of wax paper on the counter. Do NOT let them touch each other. Fry egg rolls in hot pile for about 4-5 minutes each (placing as many in the oil as your fryer or pan will allow) until all of the pork is cooked through. Dry on wire racks or paper towels (I like to tilt mine so the oil can run off). Serve hot with sweet and sour or teriyaki sauce.

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